Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Revival: We Need It

Most people get a little agitated when someone tells them they need something. I know I do. As independent, free people for someone to tell us we need something is akin to telling us we are deficient. And none of us really want to think we are deficient. But the truth of the matter is we are deficient. There is something we lack. There is something we need. What we need is revival! We need to be revived in the Lord. We need to hunger and thirst for righteousness—to have our affection set once again on the Triune God of the Bible.
Of course, when I say “we,” naturally I’m referring to Christians. While it is true that lost people need to be awakened to the Lord, those who are already His desperately need to have their fire rekindled. As Christians have watched the news in recent weeks, it is easy to feel despair about the rapidity with which our society is changing. Many in our nation have stepped away from biblical values and it is quite natural for us to feel uncomfortable, even upset. But do not lose heart. Do not give up. Most importantly, do not be negatively influenced.
Now is the time for us to bow before the Lord. Now is the time for us to file everything in our life behind Jehovah God. Now is the time to ask God to act in our lives. There is little doubt our nation is changing. And there is little doubt that most Christians really want our nation to change its course drastically. But it starts with us individually. The question we must ask ourselves is this: “Am I where I need to be in Christ?” If the answer to that question is no, I simply ask this: Do you want to be?
In John 6:35 Jesus is noted as saying, “…I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry, and he who believes in me will never be thirsty”(NIV).  For Christians, Jesus nourishes us spiritually. But when we drift from Him, as we are prone to do, we do not get the nourishment we need. The sad truth is that many Christians are starving to death –many need to feast on the bread of life. In short, many need to be revived. If we as individual Christians can be filled, even revived, then cumulatively, as the Church, we can have a positive influence on our nation. There is little doubt our nation needs to turn to God. But it starts with us.

At Fishpond Baptist Church we are having revival services August 9-12. Brother Bill Pullen will start us off on Sunday morning, followed by Brother Robert Smith Sunday through Wednesday nights. Please pray for those services, as well as these godly men. And if possible, please plan to attend. It is my prayer that through those services the Lord speaks to us and we experience true revival; we need it. We need our affection turned to the Triune God.