Monday, August 31, 2015

The Deterioration of Marriage

            What a privilege it is to be married. I can say this now (finally!) but it was not always certain whether or not I would actually “tie the knot.” I was 32 years old before entering into the sacred covenant—which, to many, was late in life. I even spent several years doubting that I even wanted to do such a thing. But I can certainly say, now, I am glad it has worked out like it has. It is definitely not easy, but it is a good life. I think a good marriage is a blessing from God and I believe we, as humans, were created to be in relationship. We are meant to share life with someone else. Even going back to the beginning of the Bible, in the book of Genesis, we find this. In Genesis 2:18, after God created Adam, we are told that God said, “…It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him” (ESV). And for those who know the story, Eve was created—Adam’s life partner.
            I personally think it is significant that God created them male and female and gave them the task of going forth and multiplying, populating the earth. In this, along with other biblical passages, it seems very clear that marriage is between one man and one woman for one lifetime. In fact, it appears to be so clear, to me, from a plain reading of the Bible that much of the cultural debate about homosexual “marriage” might be derived from a purely secular reasoning or worldview but certainly cannot be legitimized from an historic, orthodox Christian understanding of marriage. And for those who claim to be Christian and supporters of gay “marriage,” the burden of proof is upon their shoulders as to how such can be supported. The Bible certainly does not endorse it, nor does the tradition of the Church. But the June 2015 ruling by the Supreme Court, legitimizing same sex unions in America, has drastically affected marriage. The implications of the ruling are still somewhat unknown, but one thing is sure—for Americans, the idea of marriage will be greatly affected. And for conservative, evangelical Christians, I think it safe to say the Supreme Court ruling will greatly undermine, even hinder us as we attempt to put forth the Bible’s teaching on marriage.
            But this is not the only factor eroding marriage during our time. The explosion of the Ashley Madison story in the last couple weeks has made one thing perfectly clear—heterosexuals are responsible for the deterioration of marriage as well. The fact there are a presumed 38 million users of the Ashley Madison website is astonishing. And many are professing Christians. As much as I think the legalizing of homosexual “marriage” will greatly undermine and hinder, even confuse people as to the sacredness of marriage, so will the Ashley Madison incident. It has been reported by several Christian outlets that up to 400 pastors and church leaders will resign because of adultery and as a result of the Ashley Madison leak. And this is heartbreaking. May we never forget Bible verses such as Exodus 20:14, which states, “You shall not commit adultery” (ESV) and Proverbs 6: 32 that notes, “He who commits adultery lacks sense; he who does it destroys himself” (ESV).
            As we move on in the 21st century I think it is important for conservative, evangelical Christians to pay close attention to how we have spoken where the Bible speaks concerning homosexuality and with its cultural legitimization have bemoaned the deterioration of marriage. We must be consistent. In reality, all sexual sin should be called out and wept over. As much as we resist the homosexual lifestyle, because of our understanding of what the Bible teaches, we should be just as prone to speak up against adultery, fornication, and others. Many people, at some point in their life, fall into some type of sexual sin. But we shouldn’t gang up on one form to the neglect of others. In all instances we need to speak where the Bible speaks and tell people of the forgiveness and grace that comes through Jesus Christ.  
            In a day when the sacredness of marriage seems to be deteriorating may we, the Church, be an example to all. May our marriages mean something to us personally. May we live in such a way that everyone knows our marriages matter. And may we be consistent in speaking with the Scriptures to every cultural variance that attempts to erode the sacred covenant.

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